Dryland Seed

Dryland Seed

Who is dryland seed?

Dryland Seeds Company Limited (DSL) is a privately owned company established in 2004 by the late Mr. Ngila Kimotho and has, since then, been producing, importing and distributing best quality Open Pollinated and Hybrid seeds.

Our core aim is to impact value to small holder farmers through food sustainability. Owing to the fact that water stress is the principal constraint of crop development and productivity, DSL has climate smart crops that are drought tolerant. This is critical in mitigating the impact of climate change. 

Being the pioneer in the drought resistant SME seed industry DSL’s breakthrough research seed was SAWA Hybrid Maize which has been a success due to derived satisfaction by farmers and it currently serves the dry areas in Kenya. Other than SAWA, the other maize hybrid we have is Mituki. It’s slowly dominating the market due to the rapid maturity of 2 and a half months.  Besides Maize, DSL also produces and distributes Sorghum, Beans, Green Grams and Cowpea. 

SAWA maizeGreen GramBean



Bean                       Bean




DSL has partnered with East-West Seed International and it’s through this partnership that farmers now have access to high quality horticultural seeds. The vegetable seeds include: Tomato, Onion and Pumpkin as indicated in the product catalogue. 

Tomato        Tomato       Tomato-Nirvana

Tomato Tomato        Tomato

Tomato          Pumpkin




Over the years, DSL have achieved great success and we take much pride in being able to sustain farmers with high quality seeds which has thus led to maintaining loyal customers. 


Best Seed Company Award      Machakos Award     Maize field day

Our promise to farmers is to remain committed to our mission and vision which involves value addition through food sustainability by supplying high quality seeds.


Onion-Super yali      DSL meeting   



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